Grades: 3-8
Objective: for students to understand why local builders construct different types of shelters from diferent materials.
Materials: pencil, colored pencils, lined paper, unlined paper, ruler
step 1: share this webpage with students
step 2: ask students to study the photos and answer the questions on lined paper (or with online text program, like google docs)
step 3: students make a drawing of their house on unlined paper
step 4 (optional): students make a photo of their house
Discussion Guide: choose one or more of the shelters below, and discuss why the builders used certain materials and not others. Think about how local environmental and geographic factors effect the builders' choices of materials.
Strafford, VT, USAWhat material is the siding (and framing)? What material is the foundation? Why did the builders choose these materials? | Lombok, Indonesia | Salikenne, The Gambia |
Salikenne, The Gambia | Lombok, Indonesia | Beirut, Lebanon |
Sihanoukville, Cambodia | Lesvos, Greece | Standing Rock, ND, USA |
Oaxaca, Mexico | New York, NY, USA |