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World Story Exchange is excited to offer workshops for adults to engage with the outdoors in fun and practical ways. Camps and workshops are held in Norwich, Vermont on land home to forests, ponds and many plants and animals. Workshops are facilitated in small groups. 

Our primary instructor is Scott, an Eagle Scout, skilled outdoor enthusiast, and certified in Wilderness First Aid.  Lindsay supports the programs and manages registration. Lindsay is a certified Wilderness First Responder, naturalist, and educator.


Knots, Tie-Downs & Ratchet Straps
For adults, Norwich, VT

In the workshop you will learn to: secure a boat to the roof of a vehicle using ratchet straps, tie different types of knots with rope and p-cord, hang a hammock between trees with rope and ratchet straps, and secure tent lines with knots.


Sunday, June 12

3:00 - 5:30pm

Cost: $50



Private Workshops
All ages, Norwich, VT

Everyone interests and schedules are different! We are happy to develop and host small group workshops or retreats for youth, families, adults, camps or local organizations. Programming would be held on our land in Norwich, VT or at a location of your choice. 

We also work one-on-one with youth or adults to explore a particular theme including photography, painting, outdoor education or homesteading.

Norwich, Vermont, USA

© 2024 Scott McClure Miller & Lindsay McClure Miller


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